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One Health college is my vision.

The shift required to get out of the old and into the new.

To make positive life change and create knowledge of energy based approaches

You may like to learn tools and techniques for your own interest, or build and build to practitioner level. 
You may want to make a difference in your own life, or want to help in the lives of other people - It all starts by taking just one step!


                                                     One SPARHK! A Revolutionary step in healing.

Spiritual Physical Astrological Holistic Reflexive Kinesiology 

Overview of the SPARHK Learning System

  • Level 1 - The basics - 6 workshops - giving you a certificate of attendance and confidence to practice your tools on your family and friends

  • Level 2 - The toolkit - 24 classes expanding your basic knowledge and use of your tools (at this point your are certified as a SPARHK associate)

  • Level 3 - Mastery - Mastery of tools techniques and supporting development of Master SPARHK associates to Practitioner level. ( You are registered as a SPARHK Practitioner)


SPARHK Practitioners are Specialists in supporting life transformations in health, psyche and soul connections.

Your journey starts by connecting with Meagan via the form below
                                                   It is the place for wholehearted difference makers.





GROUP AU23  - 5/6th August, 9/10th September, 8th October, 3rd Dec 2023 - ENTRY NOW CLOSED


GROUP FEB24 - 3/4 Feb, 24/25 February, 16/17 March -> ENTRY OPEN - BOOK AND PAY HERE or

                                                                                                        send message below to register

                                                                                                        interest or if you need a payment plan


GROUP APR24 - 13/14 April, 27/28/April, 4/5 May â€‹-> ENTRY OPEN - BOOK AND PAY HERE or

                                                                                                        send message below to register

                                                                                                        interest or if you need a payment plan

Included; days are 9-3pm,

                   text book provided, BYO Lunch and snacks. Water, tea, coffee available


Your investment: Total cost $1500 - Early bird Discount $997 - Paid in full 


Need a payment plan but want the early bird price - Sure Thing!! Just talk to us, and we will find a way!

Note: Pay by month options attracts 10% admin fee

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Register your interest in SPARHK

Your Your Message has been submitted

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