(Kin - easy - ology)
Kinesiology uses tools and techniques to tap into the body's self healing mechanisms. It supports, nurtures and challenges you to make permanent change.
Kinesiology aims for a state of Health by looking past syptoms, and into root causes which may come from either the physical, mental/emotional or biochemical/hormonal self.
Tools used to address root causes include acupressure, lymphatic massage, neurological and emotional balancing, sound therapy, counselling & nutritional support.

Fantastic changes have been observed in the following areas;

Health and Wellbeing
Anxiety disorders & Post Traumatic Stress
Sensitivities or allergies, and food intolerances
Fears & phobia's
Fabulous changes to thinking, focus, concentration and learning, which is why Kinesiology and energy healing works wonderfully for children
Want to know more?
Contact Meagan directly by filling in and sending the below contact request form Or Make an Appointment​